Two transformations are required to make cheese from milk. First the milk is curdled (by the cheese maker) and next the molded curds are made into the cheese. After this second transformation follows what we call affinage in French, the maturation. Freshly formed cheese wheels are placed in our cellars – hâloirs at controlled temperatures under 12°C (53°F). Now the Cellar Master- affineur begins their work. They must turn, wash, and brush each cheese every 7 to 10 days. While doing so, they check the quality of each cheese and monitor the aging process employing all five senses. Under this particular attention and care, our cheeses are able to fully develop in complexity: texture, aroma, taste and rind formation.
Longer or shorter aging periods in our cellars allow us to produce cheeses with different aromas and flavors. A few of our cheeses develop special red freckles unique to Onetik cellars which we call fromages truités – cheeses with trout speckles.